Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Best Quotes: Realise and treasure every moment

Best Quotes: Realise and treasure every moment:

Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day.
Every evening the bank deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course?
Each of us has such a bank.
It's name is TIME.

Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds.
Every night it writes off as lost,
whatever of this you have failed to invest to a good purpose.
It carries over no balance.
It allows no over draft.
Each day it opens a new account for you.
Each night it burns the remains of the day.
If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours.
There is no drawing against "tomorrow."

You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and success!
The clock is running!! Make the most of today.

To realise the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.

To realise the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

To realise the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realise the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realise the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who just missed a train.

To realise the value of ONE SECOND, ask someone who just avoided an accident.

To realise the value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal at the Olympics.

Treasure every moment that you have! And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with.
And remember time waits for no one.

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why its called the present.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Quality Time with Kumaha Aing crew :)

Wohooo !! long time no post. Miss you guys. i just want to share my capture 2 weeks ago. Enjoyed :)



Captured by :: @GvenChristy

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I just can laugh if i see my photo in http://nyunyu.com/2012/03/pelajar-yang-stres-belajar/ . I uploaded that photo just for fun. every i look at that photo i say 'OMG, why my face so weird?' . me and my friend taken that photo around 3 weeks ago.

Top left-right : @jje_jessica - @ctiie_tie - @claii_48
Middle left-right : @GvenChristy - EthaCindy - none
Bottom left-right : @frans_queneka - none - @@LuckyJohan

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Best Quotes: Letting go

Best Quotes: Letting go:

To let go isn't to forget, not to think about, or ignore.
It doesn't leave feelings of anger, jealousy, or regret.

Letting go isn't about winning or losing.
It's not about pride and it's not about how you appear,
and it's not obsessing or dwelling on the past.

Letting go isn't blocking memories or thingking sad thoughts, and it doesn't leave emptiness, hurt, and sadness.
It’s not about giving in or giving up.

Letting go isn't about loss and it's not about defeat.
To let go is to cherish the memories, but to overcome and move on.
It is having an open mind and confidence in the future.

Letting go is learning and experiencing and growing.
To let go is to be thankful for the experiences that made you laugh, made you cry, and made you grow.
It's about all that you have, all that you had, and all that you will soon gain.

Letting go is having the courage to accept change, and the strength to keep moving.


it is realizing that the heart can sometimes be the most potent remedy.
To let go is to open a door, and to clear a path and.


Saturday, February 25, 2012

The irony of love is loving the right person at the wrong time and having the wrong person when 

the time is right.

Finding out you love someone right after the person walks out of your life.

Sometimes, you think you're already over a person,

but when you see the smile at you,

you'll suddenly realize that you're just pretending to be over them just to ease the pain of 

knowing that you're not.

sometimes one person is loved too much,

and the other is loved too little.

So here's piece of advice:

Let go when you're hurting too much, give up when love isn't enough, and mov on when things 

aren't like before

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Love this quotes so much :)

-Some people are just like mineral water. It tastes nothing, but we can't live without them.
-It's not easy to control yourself, but it's impossible to control other people
-Life is the best school. God is the best teacher. Problem is the best assignment. Failure is the best revision.
-There's always a part of life when it brings you down, but there's also a part when you learn how to get up again.
-Know yourself, so you know what you're here for. Know others, so you know what you can do for them.
-When bad things happen, just remember one thing: you're not the worst.
-Many things that we think can bring happiness in our lives are actually the ones that bring some pain to us.
-The only way to stand still until the end is to stop looking to yourself and start looking to God.
-If you don't know what to do, ask God. He can lead you to the right path.
-Following your heart isn't about doing what you want. It's about doing what you think is right.
-We all need that someone who will perfectly love us no matter who we are, and the only one who can be that someone is God.
-Life is like a beautiful song. Some people just need to learn how to sing it in the right key.

-Even when it’s hard to move, take small steps forward. Because every step will lead you farther away from where you were yesterday
-Every situation has a lesson to teach us. Some of these lessons: To become stronger. To express ur love. To forgive. To know when to let go.
-Sometimes showing that you are weak is being truly strong.
-I know you want some answers, but what is the right answer? There are no answers, its just life
-Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you.
-The best revenge is happiness, because nothing drives people more crazy then seeing someone actually living a good life.
-Do not let your today be stolen by the ghost of yesterday or the "to-do" list of tomorrow.
-The choices you make now, the people you surround yourself with, they all have the potential to affect your life
-Life is change. Every day is different. Every day is a new beginning and a new ending. Embrace it and make the best of it.

-A boy will tell you that he loves you but a real man will show it.
-Anyone can make you happy by doing something special, but only someone special can make you happy without doing anything.
-Before you give up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
-Sometimes, you end up losing yourself trying to hold onto someone who doesn't care about losing you.
- We tease each other, knock down each other, irritate each other, but can't live without each other.
-To truly love and trust someone is to give them your heart knowing that they can break it.
-It's not hard to find someone who tells you they love you, its hard to find someone who actually means it.
-Never let your past dictate who you are, but let it be a part of who you will become.
-The more you hide your feelings, the more they show. The more you deny your feelings, the more they grow.
-No matter how strong of a person you are, there's always someone who can make you weak.
-Cute guys make you crazy. Hot guys make you drool. Cool guys make you daydream. But funny guys make you fall in love without ever knowing.

-You never know how strong you are, until life gives you no choice and your forced to be your own hero! 
-How you act in life, and how you treat others is a direct reflection of who you really are regardless of what you say you are.
-True love is rare, and it's the only thing that gives life real meaning.
-So many things could be made better with just a simple apology. Too bad most people don't know how to say "I'm sorry."
-Difference between school and life? School teaches you lessons and then gives you a test. Life gives you a test and you learn the lessons.
-You never truly find the one until they're right in front of you.
-Don't waste time in waiting for nothing when efforts are not recognized. Its best to just give things up. Done ur part, let them do there's!
-Love isn't supposed to be easy, it is supposed to be worth it.
-It's hard to trust the one who hurt you. It's hard to erase someone from your life that you once cared about.

-You're someone missing pieces. You're someone reason to smile and you deserve to be treated right.
-Did you bring heaven down to earth? Because i swear i never met someone like you.
-Do you learn Karate? Because you knocked my heart.
-Show your love with a lot of smile everyday. Without you knowing, that's the reason why people around you are happy.
-I never moved on since the first time i stepped in to you heart.
-Some people takes time to forget because they just really in love.
-Indah adalah ketika kamu bercermin dan tersenyum. Sadarlah bnyk kebahagiaan yg telah kau bawa hanya dgn satu senyum kecil.
-Kamu itu kayak foto polaroid. Awalnya putih biasa saja, tapi akhirnya kau buat hidupku penuh warna.
-I love praying to God. Because i can say your name a thousand times in my prayer.
-Kamu bukannya tidak bisa. Tapi belum bisa. Krn kamu menolak tuk mencoba bahkan sebelum km berusaha.
-I'm already moved on from you. Moved on a little bit closer to you..
-Menunggu itu tidak salah. Yang salah adalah bila km menunggu tanpa tindakan.
-Menunggu seseorang yg telah menyakiti. Bagi org lain itu bodoh. Bagi yg lainnya itu cinta.
-Patah hati akan membantumu belajar merelakan. Air mata akan membantumu kuat. Dia yang lain akan dtg tuk menyembuhkan keduanya.

-I wish nothing. From now on I let God do the rest.
-Great decision are based on heart and brain as well..
-YOU WILL find someone who deserve your tears, deserve your laughter, deserve your heart and loves you as much as you love them. 
-She's strong enough to walk away, broken enough to never look back. Collecting pieces of her heart trying to keep move on
-You still mean everything to me, but you're just not worth fighting for any more. I'm moving on.
-Every single problem that we face is another stepping stone to a better us.
-Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep yourself balance you have to keep moving. 
-God knows what is the best for you. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Sekarang gw bakal memperkenalkan geng gw. Yang dikasih nama “KUMAHA AING”. Namanya diambil dari bahasa sunda yang artinya gimana gw. Jadi jangan heran kalo tiap kali ditanya pasti kita jawab “kumaha aing weh”. Pelopor berdirinya organisasi suka-suka gw ini adalah Clairine dan Jessica yang emang hidupnya kumaha aing. Trend ngomong kumaha aingpun sampai kepada gw. Dan gw pun diangkat menjadi salah satu anggotanya. Dan perlu diketahui kalo setiap desa punya sesepuh kita juga punya sesepuh atau yang dituakan. Sesepuh geng kita tuh guru bahasa sunda kita sendiri yang pernah tertangkap basah ngomong “kumaha aing”. Secara resmi anggota kita ga banyak. Cuma gw, jeje, tina, marlin, clairine, etha, ctiee, jessi, cing”. 1 yang perlu diinget JANGAN pernah nanya visi dan misi geng kita karena udah jelas dari nama, kita pasti jawab kumaha aing. Kita Cuma menjunjung 1 hal yaitu kekerabatan dan kekeluargaan, Tempat favorit kita ngumpul-ngumpul ato yang kita sebut basecamp biasanya di WC sekolah lante 2 yang pojok. Trus kelas kita sendiri. But dimana juga kita bisa curcol. Geng kita ini geng baik-baik, bukan geng yang dibikin buat ngejajah ade-ade kelas. Kita biking eng ini untuk merangku l sebanyak mungkin orang untuk hidup dengan cara kumaha aing  *ga nyambung*. Trus cara buat gabung gampang banget!! Keterlaluan ajah lo semua kalo gatau caranya *marah-marah* Lo cukup nyebutin keywordsnya aja yang terdiri dari 2 kata. Buktinya udah ada beberapa anggota baru yang siap diospek. Anggota barunya adalah Lucky, Pa iriyadi (guru sejarah), dan bokap gw.

By :: @GvenChristy