Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Love this quotes so much :)

-Some people are just like mineral water. It tastes nothing, but we can't live without them.
-It's not easy to control yourself, but it's impossible to control other people
-Life is the best school. God is the best teacher. Problem is the best assignment. Failure is the best revision.
-There's always a part of life when it brings you down, but there's also a part when you learn how to get up again.
-Know yourself, so you know what you're here for. Know others, so you know what you can do for them.
-When bad things happen, just remember one thing: you're not the worst.
-Many things that we think can bring happiness in our lives are actually the ones that bring some pain to us.
-The only way to stand still until the end is to stop looking to yourself and start looking to God.
-If you don't know what to do, ask God. He can lead you to the right path.
-Following your heart isn't about doing what you want. It's about doing what you think is right.
-We all need that someone who will perfectly love us no matter who we are, and the only one who can be that someone is God.
-Life is like a beautiful song. Some people just need to learn how to sing it in the right key.

-Even when it’s hard to move, take small steps forward. Because every step will lead you farther away from where you were yesterday
-Every situation has a lesson to teach us. Some of these lessons: To become stronger. To express ur love. To forgive. To know when to let go.
-Sometimes showing that you are weak is being truly strong.
-I know you want some answers, but what is the right answer? There are no answers, its just life
-Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you.
-The best revenge is happiness, because nothing drives people more crazy then seeing someone actually living a good life.
-Do not let your today be stolen by the ghost of yesterday or the "to-do" list of tomorrow.
-The choices you make now, the people you surround yourself with, they all have the potential to affect your life
-Life is change. Every day is different. Every day is a new beginning and a new ending. Embrace it and make the best of it.

-A boy will tell you that he loves you but a real man will show it.
-Anyone can make you happy by doing something special, but only someone special can make you happy without doing anything.
-Before you give up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
-Sometimes, you end up losing yourself trying to hold onto someone who doesn't care about losing you.
- We tease each other, knock down each other, irritate each other, but can't live without each other.
-To truly love and trust someone is to give them your heart knowing that they can break it.
-It's not hard to find someone who tells you they love you, its hard to find someone who actually means it.
-Never let your past dictate who you are, but let it be a part of who you will become.
-The more you hide your feelings, the more they show. The more you deny your feelings, the more they grow.
-No matter how strong of a person you are, there's always someone who can make you weak.
-Cute guys make you crazy. Hot guys make you drool. Cool guys make you daydream. But funny guys make you fall in love without ever knowing.

-You never know how strong you are, until life gives you no choice and your forced to be your own hero! 
-How you act in life, and how you treat others is a direct reflection of who you really are regardless of what you say you are.
-True love is rare, and it's the only thing that gives life real meaning.
-So many things could be made better with just a simple apology. Too bad most people don't know how to say "I'm sorry."
-Difference between school and life? School teaches you lessons and then gives you a test. Life gives you a test and you learn the lessons.
-You never truly find the one until they're right in front of you.
-Don't waste time in waiting for nothing when efforts are not recognized. Its best to just give things up. Done ur part, let them do there's!
-Love isn't supposed to be easy, it is supposed to be worth it.
-It's hard to trust the one who hurt you. It's hard to erase someone from your life that you once cared about.

-You're someone missing pieces. You're someone reason to smile and you deserve to be treated right.
-Did you bring heaven down to earth? Because i swear i never met someone like you.
-Do you learn Karate? Because you knocked my heart.
-Show your love with a lot of smile everyday. Without you knowing, that's the reason why people around you are happy.
-I never moved on since the first time i stepped in to you heart.
-Some people takes time to forget because they just really in love.
-Indah adalah ketika kamu bercermin dan tersenyum. Sadarlah bnyk kebahagiaan yg telah kau bawa hanya dgn satu senyum kecil.
-Kamu itu kayak foto polaroid. Awalnya putih biasa saja, tapi akhirnya kau buat hidupku penuh warna.
-I love praying to God. Because i can say your name a thousand times in my prayer.
-Kamu bukannya tidak bisa. Tapi belum bisa. Krn kamu menolak tuk mencoba bahkan sebelum km berusaha.
-I'm already moved on from you. Moved on a little bit closer to you..
-Menunggu itu tidak salah. Yang salah adalah bila km menunggu tanpa tindakan.
-Menunggu seseorang yg telah menyakiti. Bagi org lain itu bodoh. Bagi yg lainnya itu cinta.
-Patah hati akan membantumu belajar merelakan. Air mata akan membantumu kuat. Dia yang lain akan dtg tuk menyembuhkan keduanya.

-I wish nothing. From now on I let God do the rest.
-Great decision are based on heart and brain as well..
-YOU WILL find someone who deserve your tears, deserve your laughter, deserve your heart and loves you as much as you love them. 
-She's strong enough to walk away, broken enough to never look back. Collecting pieces of her heart trying to keep move on
-You still mean everything to me, but you're just not worth fighting for any more. I'm moving on.
-Every single problem that we face is another stepping stone to a better us.
-Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep yourself balance you have to keep moving. 
-God knows what is the best for you. 

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